Boots was sick over this long weekend. We took her to the doc Wednesday night, and it appeared to be viral. She had a horrible cough, a fever, a non-stop running nose, etc. It sucked. It's just the worst when you can't give them anything to make them feel better, ya know? She appears to be over it now, fever has been gone for well over 24 hours. I was happy she was able to make it to the party today.
Christmas was really wonderful this year. The kids really got it. They were excited for Santa. They ran downstairs on Christmas morning (well, after we reassured the Moop like 25 times that Santa was NOT in the house anymore. Yes, he left you your gifts, then left!) and were so excited about all their toys. It was so funny to see them open a gift, and then just be done. Moop opened one book and wanted to play with it and be done. Meanwhile, there is like a billion other gifts for him! And he would get all excited and be like "more for me, mom?" ... LOVE him.
They got more stuff than any two kids should get. Besides Santa spoiling them, my mother was crazy as usual with a ton of stuff, including a train table for Moop and a dollhouse for Boots. My sister also went nuts, and this was just Christmas Day! We then went to see DH's family the Sunday after Christmas, and they got a ton more stuff. Can you say spoiled? Because they sure are!
The house is still all Christmas'ed out. We will probably undecorate sometime this week, but I hate it! It always makes the house look so damn boring after putting everything away.
I have to put up more Christmas pics ... but I'm too lazy to do it now ... I need a nap while the littles nap!
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