I know. It's been a while. Is it just me, or do most of my posts seem to start this way as of late? I had some kind of psyhco-intense sinus infection! I was on one type of antibiotic for a few days, and it didn't seem to be working, so they switched me to another. Finally, FINALLY I am feeling better. It really took a full 2 weeks for me to feel like a normal person again. And for me, normal means I can breath and taste, and I'm as nauseous as can be. 8-)
But, I'm 11 weeks today! So the time is passing, and I'm getting closer to the end of morning sickness (I hope!) My morning sickness ended at 16 weeks with the twins, so I'm hoping for that again.
Besides that, I'm spending a ridiculous amount of time on Twinstuff and Facebook. Really, they are taking over my life.
I'm sorry I've been such a slacker with my own kids. I haven't even been good about taking pictures of them! So I have no pictures to post, because I'm not taking any. I stink. This whole pregnancy thing is wiping me out, and I'm lucky that I'm making it through the day!
I did spill the beans to a few people at work ... it's weird, because I'm not sure how much I want to share. Some people I have told the whole story, some people I haven't ... so everyone's floored that I'm pregnant with multiples again when my kids aren't even 2. And they keep talking about how crazy full my hands will be. And I don't correct them. Because it's just a lot of info that I don't feel like everyone needs to know. So I'm not sure what to say. Eventually, it will have to all come out. I mean, I don't want anyone at work throwing me a shower, or sending gifts when the babies are born, that would be weird!
Anyway, I'm getting bigger ... I'm already wearing maternity pants. I can't decide if that's because it's triplets or because I'm eating a ridiculous amount of pizza (the babies are craving it, not me!) hehe ... but I do feel like a fat blimp. But hey, it's all for a good reason, so I will embrace the chub.
Ok ... I really am going to try to update more often, and I'm going to start writing about non-baby stuff. But for now, my parents have taken the kids off our hands ... they took them to music class and then they are all going to lunch ... so I'm going to enjoy the sweet silence of my house!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I'm not feeling well
I know. I kind of suck. I feel like crap and I'm not updating you all. But really, there isn't much to say. Still pregnant, still vomiting on occasion, but now with added sinus infection fun! Yes, I got a cold that decided to turn into a super painful sinus infection. So I started my antibiotics today, and I hope to feel like something of a normal person in a day or two.
Otherwise, things are ok. My husband is amazing and wonderful and running the household like a champ. My parents are TOTALLY helping out like crazy ... this past weekend they picked the kids up at 930am on Sat morning to take them to music class, and then out to lunch so DH and I could get a break. They then took them out to lunch, and didn't bring them home until nap time. So that was nice. But Sunday I work up feeling crappier than before, so DH drove the kids to my parents and dropped them off at 9am, and my parents didn't bring them home until 7pm that night. It was so nice to be able to sleep and stay in bed all day when I felt so bad.
My sis is doing ok ... She had her second round of chemo, so now she feels like crap. And on top of that, she also got a cold, which turned into bronchitis, so she is also on antibiotics. We can't cut a break, can we?? But, 2 rounds of chemo down, and 2 more to go ... I'm so anxious for this to be over for her.
It's weird to be pregnant. I talk to the babies a lot and tell them about how lucky they are, and what wonderful parents they have.
Oh, I have a question for any other IPs out there ... when did it feel real to you? My sister and I were talking the other day about how it just doesn't seem real to her and her husband. They are living their lives, dealing with her chemo, and neither have fully wrapped their brains around the fact that I'm pregnant with THEIR babies. Now, I am full aware of it ... because it's happening to my body. But I don't know it will seem more real to them. I was just wonderful how other intended parents felt about this ...
Otherwise, things are ok. My husband is amazing and wonderful and running the household like a champ. My parents are TOTALLY helping out like crazy ... this past weekend they picked the kids up at 930am on Sat morning to take them to music class, and then out to lunch so DH and I could get a break. They then took them out to lunch, and didn't bring them home until nap time. So that was nice. But Sunday I work up feeling crappier than before, so DH drove the kids to my parents and dropped them off at 9am, and my parents didn't bring them home until 7pm that night. It was so nice to be able to sleep and stay in bed all day when I felt so bad.
My sis is doing ok ... She had her second round of chemo, so now she feels like crap. And on top of that, she also got a cold, which turned into bronchitis, so she is also on antibiotics. We can't cut a break, can we?? But, 2 rounds of chemo down, and 2 more to go ... I'm so anxious for this to be over for her.
It's weird to be pregnant. I talk to the babies a lot and tell them about how lucky they are, and what wonderful parents they have.
Oh, I have a question for any other IPs out there ... when did it feel real to you? My sister and I were talking the other day about how it just doesn't seem real to her and her husband. They are living their lives, dealing with her chemo, and neither have fully wrapped their brains around the fact that I'm pregnant with THEIR babies. Now, I am full aware of it ... because it's happening to my body. But I don't know it will seem more real to them. I was just wonderful how other intended parents felt about this ...
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Quiet weekend...
It's nice and quiet here this morning. This means: no kids! My sister was going to take the kids last night, and my parents tonight, but we have a snow storm coming, so my mom just took them for both nights so no one would have to drive today. It probably worked out for the best, as my sis has had a bad last couple of days. Her hair is gone. It was falling out a lot, so she had her husband shave it off. I can't even imagine how hard that must have been.
I saw her yesterday, and I thought her wig looked cute, but that doesn't really take away from the fact of how had it must be to know your hair is gone. I mean, none of us are stupid, we know it's going to grow back, it's only hair, etc. But my heart hurts for her. I hope the little bubs in my belly give her somethings to smile about when she doesn't feel like smiling.
On the "me" front, I'm sick. Still. No big surprise here. This past week was my first week back at work with the full on all-day sickness (no morning here!). It was ok. I had 2 throw-up episodes in the morning ... but mostly just nausea. The Zofran is helping a little, but not as much as I would have liked. I'm tired, a lot. And it's pretty hard adjusting to being pregnant, sick and tired, as well as having 21 month old twins that really don't understand why you won't pick them up, carry them around, or why you just want to lay on the couch in peace.
So it's tough. There are no two ways about that. But my few months of discomfort are MORE than worth the lifetime of happiness my sister and her husband are going to get from these bubs. So, I deal with it.
Gemini Girl asked about my maternity leave. It's pretty straight forward. As far as insurance goes, my personal medical insurance will cover all my maternity needs, my docs, the vists, delivery, etc. When I talked to my insurance company their take on it was "We don't care how you get pregnant, or what you are going to do with the baby (ies) after you give birth to them, while you are pregnant, it is your body and you are covered."
As far as leave off work goes, it's short term disability. So whenever my doc puts me out, I go on short term disability. Assuming I have a c-section, I will get 8 weeks after the birth of the babies. Then my leave is over. I do not get to use FMLA, since that is reserved for the birth or adoption of a child (baby bonding time) and I won't have any babies to bond with. Plus, that is unpaid, so I wouldn't be taking that time off anyway.
My sister on the other hand will be able to utilize her FMLA, because it is baby bonding time for her. She won't get the short-term disability, obviously, because that is medically to recover from the birth, and she isn't giving birth.
I do need to take this time to thank my amazing husband as well. He rocks beyond belief. He is really running the house right now. He's getting the kids ready in the morning, taking them to daycare, picking them up if I don't feel up to it, making dinner, letting me sleep in on the weekends, taking care of baths, and basically being a super amazing Mr Mom, while I sit on the couch and want to vomit. He is amazing and perfect and I am insanely lucky to have him! Thanks babe! I love you!
I saw her yesterday, and I thought her wig looked cute, but that doesn't really take away from the fact of how had it must be to know your hair is gone. I mean, none of us are stupid, we know it's going to grow back, it's only hair, etc. But my heart hurts for her. I hope the little bubs in my belly give her somethings to smile about when she doesn't feel like smiling.
On the "me" front, I'm sick. Still. No big surprise here. This past week was my first week back at work with the full on all-day sickness (no morning here!). It was ok. I had 2 throw-up episodes in the morning ... but mostly just nausea. The Zofran is helping a little, but not as much as I would have liked. I'm tired, a lot. And it's pretty hard adjusting to being pregnant, sick and tired, as well as having 21 month old twins that really don't understand why you won't pick them up, carry them around, or why you just want to lay on the couch in peace.
So it's tough. There are no two ways about that. But my few months of discomfort are MORE than worth the lifetime of happiness my sister and her husband are going to get from these bubs. So, I deal with it.
Gemini Girl asked about my maternity leave. It's pretty straight forward. As far as insurance goes, my personal medical insurance will cover all my maternity needs, my docs, the vists, delivery, etc. When I talked to my insurance company their take on it was "We don't care how you get pregnant, or what you are going to do with the baby (ies) after you give birth to them, while you are pregnant, it is your body and you are covered."
As far as leave off work goes, it's short term disability. So whenever my doc puts me out, I go on short term disability. Assuming I have a c-section, I will get 8 weeks after the birth of the babies. Then my leave is over. I do not get to use FMLA, since that is reserved for the birth or adoption of a child (baby bonding time) and I won't have any babies to bond with. Plus, that is unpaid, so I wouldn't be taking that time off anyway.
My sister on the other hand will be able to utilize her FMLA, because it is baby bonding time for her. She won't get the short-term disability, obviously, because that is medically to recover from the birth, and she isn't giving birth.
I do need to take this time to thank my amazing husband as well. He rocks beyond belief. He is really running the house right now. He's getting the kids ready in the morning, taking them to daycare, picking them up if I don't feel up to it, making dinner, letting me sleep in on the weekends, taking care of baths, and basically being a super amazing Mr Mom, while I sit on the couch and want to vomit. He is amazing and perfect and I am insanely lucky to have him! Thanks babe! I love you!
Monday, January 5, 2009
A Big Update
So, I lied. I said I was going to do a big update this weekend with pictures, and I didn't.
But first and foremost, I'm going to give you a link to a blog you MUST read. It's my husbands. He's beyond funny. Seriously! Remember that crazy post he put up here about the kids? Well, he is sillier on his blog. It's not kidcentric, it's just a silly guy talking about silly stuff. And you'll like it. I promise! So go show a little love over at Millions of Atoms. Thank You!
Ok, now on the the baby stuff! Ultrasound number 3 today, and it's getting slightly anticlimatic. 3 sacs, 3 babies floating about, 3 beautifully beating hearts. Everyone is growing right on schedule. I am 7w2d today, and two of them were measuring 7w1d and the other is 7w3d, so right where they should be. Heartbeats were good and strong. And the doc said each baby was the size of a finger tip. So can someone please explain to me how three fingertips can make me vomit multiple times a day? Yes, I am still sick. THANKFULLY, my sister talked our nurse into getting me some Zofran to help with the morning sickness. I'm trying to only take 1 pill a day if I really need it. But it sucked get to work this morning and then immediately going to throw up and then have to go sit at my desk. Boy did I enjoy the last 2 weeks off!
So let's talk about that. Christmas was chaotic. The kids were very excited about all their gifts, but they REALLY loved their 50's style diner. Isn't this adorable?

Here is the Moop eating a Christmas morning cookie at the diner.

And here is the Boots making an absolutely pissed off face at me while coloring with her Dad.

We got them a bunch of other gifts too: and Elmo guitar, Little.People Farm, books, puzzles, etc. They loved everything! Chrissy and Ant came over to give the twins there gifts, and had breakfast with us which was fun.
We went down to DH's sister's house for Christmas, which was a lot of fun. Lots of people there, and the twins got TOTALLY overloaded with gifts which is always fun for them! Makes me think that maybe my house is just too small!!
Two days after Christmas we had a second Christmas with my family. So, MORE GIFTS! My parents bought the twins a boatload of stuff! So my house is PACKED. We certainly don't have enough room for all these toys!! My kids are spoiled rotten. They have a lot of people that really love them and like to spoil them! And really, isn't it the right of a Grandparent to do that?
Ok, so I'm ready to go relax now. I promised my sister I would put up pics, which I did. So good night!
But first and foremost, I'm going to give you a link to a blog you MUST read. It's my husbands. He's beyond funny. Seriously! Remember that crazy post he put up here about the kids? Well, he is sillier on his blog. It's not kidcentric, it's just a silly guy talking about silly stuff. And you'll like it. I promise! So go show a little love over at Millions of Atoms. Thank You!
Ok, now on the the baby stuff! Ultrasound number 3 today, and it's getting slightly anticlimatic. 3 sacs, 3 babies floating about, 3 beautifully beating hearts. Everyone is growing right on schedule. I am 7w2d today, and two of them were measuring 7w1d and the other is 7w3d, so right where they should be. Heartbeats were good and strong. And the doc said each baby was the size of a finger tip. So can someone please explain to me how three fingertips can make me vomit multiple times a day? Yes, I am still sick. THANKFULLY, my sister talked our nurse into getting me some Zofran to help with the morning sickness. I'm trying to only take 1 pill a day if I really need it. But it sucked get to work this morning and then immediately going to throw up and then have to go sit at my desk. Boy did I enjoy the last 2 weeks off!
So let's talk about that. Christmas was chaotic. The kids were very excited about all their gifts, but they REALLY loved their 50's style diner. Isn't this adorable?

Here is the Moop eating a Christmas morning cookie at the diner.

And here is the Boots making an absolutely pissed off face at me while coloring with her Dad.

We got them a bunch of other gifts too: and Elmo guitar, Little.People Farm, books, puzzles, etc. They loved everything! Chrissy and Ant came over to give the twins there gifts, and had breakfast with us which was fun.
We went down to DH's sister's house for Christmas, which was a lot of fun. Lots of people there, and the twins got TOTALLY overloaded with gifts which is always fun for them! Makes me think that maybe my house is just too small!!
Two days after Christmas we had a second Christmas with my family. So, MORE GIFTS! My parents bought the twins a boatload of stuff! So my house is PACKED. We certainly don't have enough room for all these toys!! My kids are spoiled rotten. They have a lot of people that really love them and like to spoil them! And really, isn't it the right of a Grandparent to do that?
Ok, so I'm ready to go relax now. I promised my sister I would put up pics, which I did. So good night!
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