At the same time, this a call to yell at you lurkers. Come say hi! All you need to do is click on the comments link below and let me know you are reading. I KNOW my family is out there reading and not even saying hi. You don't even need an account or anything!
Ok, now on to what's been going on ... I'm much better after my surgery, thank you for all the well wishes. Sadly, I only have 4 percocet left, and I am saving them. For what, I have no idea. But they are like little pills of wonderfulness, and I am sure one day I will have back pain that will warrant their use.
So I have multiple weekends to cover! Last weekend we went down to Eric's sister's house to celebrate both his mom and his sister's birthdays. She has two kids, Brandon and Allie, and the twins had a blast with them! They loved to follow them around and attempt to do things that they did.
Hailey is currently in this stage where she wants to sit on EVERYTHING! She is constantly walking backwards and trying to sit on anything ... people, toys, even soccer balls! She's such a goof ...

Here's Jake playing in Lori's backyard ... He looks like he is very annoyed by us ...

And since I mentioned Hailey's desire to sit on EVERYTHING, my sister bought the twins chairs. They are too cute! Hailey's is purple and has a Dora the Explorer picture on it ... Jake's is green and is the Backyardigans. They just LOVE them ... they'll be running around the room, and suddenly just go over to their chairs and sit in them and take a break. Look how cute!

Oh and want to hear also how wonderful Aunt Chrissy is?? She bought them this adorable wagon for their birthday! We finally got them to the park this beautiful Memorial Day weekend, and they loved being pulled around in it! We put them in the wagon at opposite ends with some toys between them ...

but Hailey didn't like being that far from her brother ... so she ended up like this ...

Then Eric took these beautiful pictures of the twins at the park ... I just love them ... I think my kids are just beyond beautiful.

And on one final happy note (dripping with sarcasm), the twins have ear infections. They've both been sniffly and coughing all weekend, and had slight fevers, which I thought was due to all the teeth coming in. We ended up taking them to the doctor tonight, since they both had slight fevers at daycare today. Hailey's got a double ear infection, Jake has a single. At least they got started on their meds.
That's all for tonight. I have so much to type, but I'll save it for another day.
Those adorable kids are getting so big!
Here's a comment for you!! Those photos are just lovely - I love those little chairs just made for children. My nephew and niece have one and they love it, although they prefer to climb all over the back of the sofa!!
Hi, here from NaComLeavMo. The kids look so adorable in their chairs! I've been loving all the comments and getting to visit so many new blogs!
Great pictures!! And I've also been thinking of getting some type of a chair/seat for B...I think your post just convinced me to get one!!
I LOVE NaComLeavMo!
Your kids look fantastic!
Visiting from NCLM and your babies are absolutely adorable!
Visiting from NCLM.
Very cute kiddos!
I agree, your babes are beyond beautiful!!! ;o) I just love their little chairs & wagon! I see the love Hailey & Jake have for one another. So precious...
So sorry to hear they're sick and glad you took them to the Dr. Hope the meds do the trick quick!
Hi! I'm returning your comment. Thanks for stopping by :-)
Your kids are adorable! And I love that wagon. My little brother and I used to have one when we were small and loved it.
I am returning the visit from NCLM. Thanks for stopping by!
Your twins are beautiful!! They look so cute sitting in their little chairs. :) And what a great title for your blog. Those books were awesome.
You are absolutely, 100% correct! Your kids are beautiful!
The twins are sooo adorable! This gives me hope that IVF may - eventually, some day - actually work.
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