Otherwise we added an extra meal now, so they are getting solids 2X a day now. We do fruits and cereal in the morning, and veggies and cereal in the evening. Hailey is rolling all over the place like a lunatic. Anytime you put her down, she immediately rolls to her belly to hang out. So gone are the days of putting her on the changing table and running to get something in the closet. She'll flip off in a second! She's now rolling over and sleeping on her belly too. I don't love that, but the doc said once they can roll over themselves its fine if they sleep that way.
Jake is a slug. He doesn't roll at all. He doesn't even try all that hard to. I just think he is very content hanging out on his back. We are working on having them sit up, and they both are getting better at it.
So I came home from work on Tuesday, I was in the city for the day, so Eric had picked the kids up. When I walked in he looked at me and said "Our little boy is growing up! He is getting his first tooth!" At the time, you could see that the gum split and there was a little white showing. It's come in a little more since, and you can feel this sharp thing sticking out. I'm very excited for my little man. Nothing going on in Hailey's mouth yet. She's chewing on everything and drooling a ton, but no sign of teeth yet.
Hmmm, what else? I hurt my back really bad last week, and went to my doc and she wants me to do physical therapy 3 times a week to strengthen my back since I have to carry the twins all the time. I was like, WHAT!!!! when the hell am I going to find 3 days a week to do physical therapy! We'll see how that goes!
Here's a cute pic I took of the twins in adorable outfits that Aunt Christina bought for them.

Last weekend we had a bunch of Eric's friends from high school over, which was lots of fun. His friend Brian and his wife have twins that are exactly 6 months older than Jake and Hailey, also a boy and a girl. It was fun to watch them and see where are kids are going to be in another 6 months, but also scary! Because they were moving all around. Ugh! And his other friend Bill and his wife were there with their daughter Hannah, who is 15 months. It was fun to get all the kids together. Here's a cute pic of them all. In order it's Jake, Brian, Olivia, Hannah and Hailey.

Friday night I went to a digital scrapbooking party at my cousin Kristen's. It was the coolest thing ever, and I'm so excited to get started. I was big into scrapbooking before the twins, and made really cool ones for my wedding and honeymoon. But it was a lot of work and time. The digital ones will be so much easier to do in my spare time. I'll definitely post cool pages as I make them.
We went to Great Adventure with my brother this weekend and had my mom and Eric's mom babysit for the day. It was a lot of fun and I love roller coasters, but it was insanely crowded to the point where I just wanted to start knocking people out! That's when I knew it was time to leave.
And we went to the park today because it was such a beautiful day. We got some really cute pics of the babies. Here is a shot I was dying to take of the twins. I have seen a lot of other twin moms with this pic, and I just think it's so cute. Needless to say, I almost waited too long, because fatty Jake almost didn't leave room in the seat for Hailey!

Alright, that's enough catch up for now. Next week I'll have lots of great Halloween shots from the Halloween party we are going to with the kids on Saturday.
Erica and Eric
wow...time is flying by! They are just growing so fast. And how exciting about the tooth!
They are so cute!
Oh my they are too cute! They look so adorable in thier Halloween custumes! Congrats on Jakes first tooth!! They grow so fast, don't they!? You are sure gonna have our hands full when they start to walk!
Hi Erica- I found your blog after reading someone else's blog- anyway, I have boy/girl twins through IVF- they were born on June 12th- they are just over 4 months old now. I just wanted to tell you that your babies are adorable and you have described my life to a T!!!!!!!
If you'd like to talk more- my email is ekgno1@aol.com
Congratulations on your beautiful babies!
OH Dear! Did you have to cut them out of that swing??? heehee...
Such fun news for you. What great times ahead!
aw, you babies are so cute! Thanks for visiting my blog and always leaving your encouraging comments - sorry I haven't visited and commented on your sooner. But I will try to come back regularly, it will be great to see what I have to expect in the months to come.
Yikes - a tooth at 6 months? How is that with breastfeeding (are you still breastfeeding?)?
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