But we did have a few really nice days ... and the kids enjoyed playing outside in their sprinkler and pool. As you can see in the background of the pics, all the adults enjoyed a nice beer sitting outside in the nice weather, except me. Who was pounding my water like I know I need to do. But god, water kinda sucks after a while. I would give anything for a nice ice cold beer and some sushi!!!
Here is Boots having a blast in the pool. She would not take off her sunglasses!

Here is Mr Moop smiling up a storm. He wouldn't take off his shirt for some reason!

And here are a few "having fun in the pool" shots! I love the last one where they were like hugging!

We also just got their school pictures back that we ordered. A little back story ... daycare sent home a reminder on Friday that picture day was Monday. My sister had picked up the kids from daycare on Friday, and forgot to grab their daily sheets ... so we didn't know it was picture day. We sent them into school in messy clothes and looking disheveled!
My angel of a husband went home and got them outfits and brought them back to school so that they wouldn't be the sloppiest kids in the class for their pictures! But the daycare teachers didn't do the best job with their hair! Moops is supposed to be combed to the side (and this was before his 2nd haircut, so his hair was still kinda long!) ... We asked the teacher to put Boots hair in pig tails, but they didn't do as good a job as I do!! Anyway, for your enjoyment!
Sweet Lady Boots

Cute Mr Moop

My two Angels together
