And Boots. My beautiful little girl. She is really messing with my sleep. She has decided that 530am is now an appropriate wake up time. But then she'll mix it up a bit. The other day it was 510am. Seriously? I almost cried. The first morning it happened, I just assumed that she woke up and would go back to sleep. But she didn't. She would alternate between crying, then singing, then silence. And repeat. I'm such a light sleeper that it kept me up the whole time. So, not a happy mom.
This morning when she woke me up, I tried something different. I went right in, picked her up, and took her into the spare room. We climbed into bed and I thought maybe since it was still dark, and I was with her, she would fall back asleep. I thought wrong. She was so happy, jumping around the bed. She was sitting next to me and pointing to my features saying "Eye, Nose". Then she would pat me on the arm and say "Hi Mama". She's too cute for words. But all I wanted to do was sleep. I'm happy to note that tomorrow is my sleep in morning. So my wonderful husband can take care of her while I sleep.
So, you came here for some pictures?? Well, I got some of them. Poor Moop has had a eczema issue forever. Mostly on his body, but every now and then he gets it on his face. And he has it around his eye. I have cream for it, but it looks so red. I hate it. Poor bubba. Although it doesn't seem to bother him. He's so cute. Lately he's been saying "Uh oh!" a lot. Probably because I'm always saying it. But it's funny, because he says it very exaggeratedly, making a very dramatic "O" with his mouth. Ain't he cute??

Here's a cute picture of Boots that I like. She was playing on our bed and being goofy and putting her feet in her mouth and trying to pull off her socks with her teeth. Lovely! I caught her in a goofy moment.

Here's a picture of a happy dude!

It's been so long since I've updated that I missed posting pics from my nephew John's first birthday. The kids had fun, and the food was super yummy! Here's a pic of Moop hanging with her Opa.

And I love this picture! This is the birthday boy pointing at Boots' nose. I'm not sure why he was, but they are both very serious about it!

Hope everyone has a nice relaxing holiday weekend. We are hoping to have some fun, and then ship the kids off to my parents for the night on Sunday night so that we can play Rock Band all night long and then sleep late.