So, the Saturday before Father's Day, we took the kids back to the doctor, because the Boot had a high fever and had had one the day before at daycare. Since they were about a week off their ear infection meds, I was worried that it was back. Mr Moop seemed fine though, he was his normal jovial self, but I figured I would just take them both, to make sure that everyone was ok. Nothing stinks more than taking one to the doctor, only to have to take the other one like 2 days later.
Anyway, low and behold, Boots still had a double ear infection, and Moop still had a single ear infection, but the other ear was on it's way! So the dr said that she didn't think that it cleared up and came back, she thought that they didn't respond to their meds, so we put them on a different one. Aww, my poor babies with these ear infections!!
So that was our Saturday. Father's Day was busy, but nice. I got my DH a Play Station 3 and Grand Theft Auto. That was his birthday AND Father's Day gift. Then we went out to lunch with DH's whole family ... unfortunately Boots was still not herself, and didn't eat a thing. She started to warm up too, so we had to get her home. Note to self: No more taking the kids out smack dab in the middle of nap time when they aren't feeling well. We had hoped they would sleep in the car, but since they weren't feeling well, they didn't. Ugh. After we got home, we put Moop down for a nap, and he did fine. He went right to sleep. Boots on the other hand was just so overtired, and could not settle down. DH ended up rocking her to sleep and falling asleep with her in his arms. Which was beyond adorable.
Then my family came over for a BBQ. It's great to have them over, because DH and I can do everyone else, but we don't have to worry about the kids. My brother in law cooked, my sister and mom took care of the kids, and I just kinda did nothing! My parents gave DH a gift card to the movies, so we already told them to plan on babysitting soon so we can take advantage of it!
Once the kids got up from their naps, they were definitely in better spirits. Boots didn't want to be put down, so she was passed between the many people there. God it's nice to have extra sets of hands around!!
Being that Boots wasn't at her best, my mom took off work on Monday and stayed home with her. Moop still went into daycare, because he didn't have any kind of fever and was doing fine. Luckily the meds kicked in, so she was pretty much back to normal on Tuesday, and they've both been great ever since.
So, besides that, pretty uneventful week. I want to leave you with two funny pics.
We call Mr Moop the 5th Beatle. Can you guess why??

and DH entitled this picture "our Long Island Hairdresser".

I did inform Boots that as cute as this outfit looks on her ... it's only appropriate now ... and spandex leggings are NEVER appropriate as she gets older ... haha. I've also taught her that I do not approve of open-toed sandals without painted toe-nails, but I will let her get away with it for a little while longer ...