Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I've been a slacker ...

Sorry it's been a while. It was a sick pit in our house. The kids had ear infections, and I think Jake had a stomach bug, which he promptly gave to me, and I promptly gave to Eric. Good times, my friends, good times!

But WE ARE ALL HEALTHY! WOO HOO! I didn't think I would see the day!

So, what the hell else is going on? I have no idea. Work has been crazy. I've been traveling into NYC on both Tuesday and Wednesday, and it just makes it such a long day! It's like 2 hours door to door for me to go in. In some ways it's nice, because I get to read my books (for my book club) or do my Sudoku puzzles. It's just kinda nice to have that down time. Whatever. Work is what it is. I wish I was independently wealthy so that I could not work, but still afford a nanny a few days a week (for my sanity).

So, how 'bout them twins, you ask? Those twins are super cute and perfect. Hailey is still crawling and pulling up on everything and letting go and taking random steps, but then she usually just drops to her knees and crawls around at lightning speed. Mr Jake is also pulling up and cruising around and even starting to let go ... but he's not ready to try walking yet.

Besides that they are eating like little piggies, sleeping wonderfully and generally just being my little angels. I CAN NOT believe we are planning their first birthday party! What the hell happened, and where did the time go? I don't even feel like I have babies anymore! They are just so big. It's overwhelming to say the least.

We are throwing a big party for their first. My mom and sister are so great, seriously you have no idea. Eric and I kinda said we wanted to just have a small first birthday, mostly because having something too big would just be too expensive. And with the cost of daycare, and everything else, there just isn't extra money floating around. So my awesome mom and sis stepped up (totally on their own) and offered to help pay for the party. So somehow this small little party has morphed into a party with like 60 adults and 20 something kids! It's going to be so great, I hope the kids don't have a meltdown! hehe.

I'm tired. I want to go to bed now. But first, have you ever seen a cuter, sweeter face than this one??

Although this one is pretty damn cute too! Jakey with his favorite Aunt Chrissy ...



MoMo said...

Time does fly....1st birthday party--sounds like it will be a lot of fun and big!!! Can't wait to see pictures.

I am also glad to hear that everyone is feeling better--I hate this time of year b/c you can catch something in a drop of a hat!!

Gemini Girl said...

Have I mentioned how much my husband laughed when he saw the pictures of Jake making that funny face to the camera? He thinks he's adorable! When did you get her ears pierced? Im thinking of doing it soon, so that I dont always have to explain to everyone that I have 2 girls (my stroller is green/brown- neutral colors). And how did she handle the pain?

I had the stomach bug on friday. not fun.
2 hours door to door? Wow, you must live pretty far out in Nj. My commute is an hour door to door. But unlike you, I have to do it twice a day, 5 days a week.

I think big first bdays are the way to go. I dont have much.. actually, any family in the US, so its sad that their birthday wont be a big celebration. So, enjoy and have it big! Dont forget the smash cakes!

Aimee said...

Happy to hear you have a healthy household once again! :o)

The twins are realy gonna make out on their 1st birthday!! That's wonderful! Praying with you for no melt downs!

Your cuties are sure making some progress & developing nicely! WOW They grow up so quickly eh!! Seems like not to long ago I gave birth to Hannah!

Adorable pix of Hailey & Jakey!! They just keep getting cuter & cuter!!! Their perfect in every way! ;o)

Stacie said...

Yea that everyone is on the mend and you are feeling better!

The big party sounds like a lot of fun. I bet you'll all have a great time--with no meltdowns! (and it is so great when you are lucky enough to have family around to help out. my mom is a godsend, too.)

And yes, those are really cute pictures! Everyone looks so happy! It is great to see that!

Christy said...

Loved the pictures! Just too cute!

Anonymous said...

OMG! He looks like such a big boy already!

Jen said...

Fabulous pictures!

Topcat said...

So glad you are all fit and healthy! Do you know, whenever I click on your blog and look at your wedding pic, I think the same thing every time. "Darn, she's pretty!" xo