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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Come join us!!

So, I thought I would share with you all a new parenting site that I have stumbled across and really like: I also belong to a twins only community, but this site is for parents with any number of kids. It's really cool. There are sections for those TTC, Expecting, the First ear, and then age groups going forward (1-4 years, etc).

It's a nice casual place to get information, ask questions (how do you get those kids to sleep through the night?), and just chat with people. Oh, and there are lots of places on the site to discuss things BESIDES kids. We can debate hot topics, chit chat about tv, talk about religion (or my lack there of) and just take a break from the hecticness of life.

So if you are looking for a fun and excepting online community, come over and sign up. The ladies (and few gents) are cool and you'll get lots of good advice. And for you twin mommies, there are actually quite a few people with twins on the site as well, so it's not like it's kids with singletons only. Because we know how different raising twins versus singles can be!

One of the owners/admins of the site is a friend of mine. We actually met on another site, and took our friendship to emailing, and then I found her site. So as a thank you for introducing me to a great community, I figured I would pay it forward, and tell all my readers about it.

Please go over and check it out. Only takes a second to register!


MoMo said...

thanks for the tip...I think I will check it out--god knows I am always looking for advice!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great review. We love having you there and hope your friends can make it over too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great review! You are such a sweetheart, and it's been awesome getting to know you!!!