So much has changed since I last wrote! The twins had their 3rd birthday ... and we moved them into big beds! It wasn't nearly as traumatic as I expected it to be ... I think it helped that we moved them into separate rooms at the same time.
Pictures you say?? Well, pictures I have!! How awesome are these rooms?
Moops' Room - CARS Theme

Boots' Room - Princess Theme

The cribs were still in their rooms when I took these pics. They have since been removed. We had them there as a threat .... ya know "You better stay in your beds or you are going back in your cribs!". Well, that didn't work that well. The first morning after they slept in their beds, we went in to get Boots, and she was sitting in her crib, with the tent zipped up, reading a book. So yeah, the cribs are gone now. They also each got a cute table and chairs set from my parents for their birthdays.
Speaking of, we finally went low-key for their birthday. Nothing but immediate family. The last two years we threw these big parties, and I just didn't want to do it again. Here is a pic with their cousins on their birthday.

Easter was fun, and low-key. Just went to my parents house, dressed the kids up for like 5 minutes to get a few pics, and then went out to play in the beautiful weather! Perfect way to celebrate the rebirth that is Spring!!

What else? My parents took the kids to see the Circus! Awesome time at Madison Square Garden ... they had their first train ride into the city and they LOVED it ... And as great as the Circus was, I almost think their favorite part of the day was riding the escalator! Go figure!

And here are a bunch of miscellaneous shots ... a bunch of my sister's cuties ... They are getting SO BIG!!

Ok, that takes care of me playing catch up ... I have more to post tomorrow!! And Mom, all the pics are links to like a BILLION more pics ... so enjoy, and happy buying!