But, that's not going to happen tonight! haha ... So, what the hell has been going on since I lasted posted? The kids are doing great. They are getting so big and cute and very excited for the holidays. I got what might be my favorite picture I've ever taken of them.

Halloween was a success. We had an adorable Tinkerbell and Captain Hook. They really liked going trick or treating ... Unfortunately it was all crappy and rainy by us, so we only went to a few houses.

The best thing that has happened in the past few weeks was our trip to ARUBA! Yup, my sister and her husband graciously gave me and my DH a trip to Aruba as a thank you for carrying the twins. My parents took my kids for the week, so it was just me and DH relaxing, drinking, sleeping in. Ahhhhh, heaven. Here we are at dinner right on the beach ... it was gorgeous.

We have a busy weekend ahead of us. We are hosting Thanksgiving at our house with 16 adults and 5 kids. Then Friday we are going to get our Christmas tree and decorate the tree and our entire house. Then Saturday we are going with my sister and her husband to take our kids to the circus! Should be lots of fun ... We are also going to attempt at taking the picture for our Christmas card this weekend! Fingers crossed for that please!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!